Grade: 12
Deadline: 11-15-22
Scholarship Value: $1,000 to $12,500 per year
Please go to: Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship to apply.
Grade: 12
Deadline: 11-01-22 (priority) 2-1-23 (non priority)
This scholarship is offered through University of Utah. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further questions. Please visit USSTEM for more details and information.
Grade: 9-12
Deadline: 11-01-22
It’s time again for VFW’s Voice of Democracy scholarship competition. For more than 60 years, VFW has supported the education of our country’s most promising and talented students (grades 9-12) with impressive scholarships. First prize is a $30,000 scholarship paid directly to the American college, university or vocational/technical school of the student’s choice! Record your original 3-5 minute (+ or – 5 seconds max.) essay on a standard cassette tape or CD. One student per CD or cassette. This year’s theme : “My Vision for America”. An official entry form must be completed by all contestants. Please visit: Voice of democracy for more information and for an application. Our local VFW post information is: Contact: Doug Ferguson Phone: 801-6330610. VFW Post 1481 907 12th Street Ogden, Utah 84404
Grade: 12
Deadline: 11-09-22
Apply now!!! Get the National recognition you deserve! This is for students who never settle – not in the classroom, on the field, or in their communities. These well rounded seniors reach higher in every aspect of school and life. Then they give a little more. Apply TODAY at WendysHeisman.
Grade: 12
Deadline: 11-15-22
Scholarship Value: $1,000
To apply, please submit a short piece of 500 words in writing, that includes the following: "How you've impacted your fellow student body or community" And "Housing advice for students at your school: What's one pice of advice you would give first time student renters?" Please visit: Zumper to apply.