New Student Registration

Note: this is for students transferring to Bonneville High School from another institution. If you are entering Bonneville in 10th Grade and attended South Ogden Junior High or TH Bell Junior High for 9th grade, you DO NOT need to fill out his form. We already have your information.
You can fill out a pre-registration online at the link provided here, but you will need to provide additional documentation in order to complete registration. You can bring these items into the school or email them directly to our Registrar, Janae Campbell at Guardians seeking to register a student at Bonneville High School will need to provide a valid photo ID to verify guardianship of their student.
You will need to provide a copy of the following documents:
Birth Certificate
Current Vaccination /Immunization Record
Withdrawal grades from previous school (if transferring on/after mid-term)
Transcripts from all previous schools
Any legal documents pertaining to Custody, Parenting Plan, Power of Attorney, Guardianship, etc, if needed.
Verification of Address (Two items); some examples are listed below:
Primary | Secondary |
The following forms are provided by the school (link at the bottom of this page) but must be filled out at or before registration:
Student Information Form
Home Language Survey
WSD Special Services Form
WSD Medical Information Form
The top half of the checklist are things you provide to the school, and the bottom half of the checklist are forms found in the Registration Packet, this will be sent to you after you complete the pre-registration form, which you fill out and return to the school either via email or bringing them in. All of these forms and documents can be sent in via email ( or brought in in person.
Please be aware, if there are any custody/guardianship/Power Of Attorney documents and/or if your student(s) has an IEP or 504, the school needs those documents as well. The school will need those before registering your students.
Please note, we need all the forms and documents before we can register your student and set them up to meet with the counselor to build a schedule. We look forward to meeting you!
In order to complete registration, you must create a Parent Portal Account in Powerschool after registration. Directions will be provided at your registration appointment.New Student Registration Packet
Enrolling AFTER Midterms:
If you are transferring after mid terms, you will need withdrawal paperwork from the current school with transfer grades listed on them, since our term has already begun and there is not sufficient time to earn grades from attending the remainder of the term here alone.
In order to complete registration, you must create a
Parent Portal Account in Powerschool after registration.